Monday, January 19, 2009

Mr. T

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but things haven't been quiet around here. I've been spending some quality time with the family, we've all been through a round of colds - which landed the little guy in the hospital. He's home now and fine. So, even though the blog has been quiet, things here haven't.

I'm excited to get to post this preview. This is Mr. T - he's one of our toddler buddies and he just turned 2. So for his 2 year pictures, we went out to the Arboretum. I forgot to bring bread to feed the ducks, so I think I owe him another trip to the Arb. when I have bread with me. But, even without it, we had a blast. He ran the whole time - we looked for a gumpy old troll at the bridges, chased ducks, rolled down a hill and still managed to take some pictures. He's so smart and cute - I love hanging out with him. Here are a few previews from our session.

Mr. T 2 Year Photo Blog Preview

Mr. T 2 Year Photo Blog Preview

Mr. T 2 Year Photo Blog Preview

Sacramento Child Photography


Kimberley said...

Wow! What a handsom lad! Okay maybe I'm a little bias.
Kimberley (AKA Mom)

sgtpepper said...

He is a handsom boy. But then again I may be biased as well.

Jim (AKA the photographers Dad)

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